Read the Json formatted data using Jquery & Ajax
Hi,while loading the page i want to get the price and item counts in ASP.Net project.
Here I want to validate the price with their counts which was generated in Json format in Jquery. The Json formatted output will be generated from solr query(refer the attached image). Here i want to read the price and get the number of items available within that price using Jquery and AJAX with Could anyone let me know the way of process to get it.
Solr Query is:
http://localhost:8080/solr/ABC/select?q=*:*&wt=json&indent=on&rows=0 & facet=true&facet.range=price & f.price.facet.range.start=0 & f.price.facet.range.end=500 & & facet.range.other=after
After generated the above URL in ASP.Net project the result would be like an attached image.