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  • Category: [Announcements]

    Winners of Member of the Month Award - December 2016

    Hi DNSians,

    As you are aware that Tony has announced some changes in the Reward Programs in DotNetSpider.

    As per the new rewards program, we are happy to announce the Winners of Member of the Month awards for the month of December 2016.

    As per the changes, we have now selected 5 members for the Member of the Month award. An amount of Rs. 2,500 will be distributed to these members as per the points earned by them during the month.

    The list of winners for Member of the Month Award for the month of Dec 2016 is as below.

    DotNetSpider Team congratulates all the winners listed above on their great achievement.

    You can find the other Winners list at :>> List of DNS Award Winners

    Members can join us here to Congratulate the winners on the achievement.

    Note: This announcement / credit may change / update soon without further notice.
  • #768660
    Congratulations to all the winners! Keep the spirit up and keep posting good contents
    Thanks & regards,
    Gaurav Kumar Arora
    Site Coordinator - DNS
    My blog -

  • #768662
    Congratulations to all the winners. Keep inspiring us.


  • #768663
    My heartiest congratulation to all winners of Member of the Month December 2016 and thanks to webmaster Hafeez sir for this announcement at first week of new year 2017

  • #768667
    Congratulations to all the winners, Keep going.
    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #768725
    Thanks webmaster and congratulations winners, Keep contributing !

  • #768729
    Congratulations to all the winners in the list

  • #768734
    Congratulations to all the winners. Keep up guys and get more and more awards from DNS. Contribute with good articles too to get more awards.
    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

  • #768736
    Thanks webmaster, it will really inspiring
    Congrats winners. Keep your contribution on same road of success, more awards expect from you guys.

    want to see your name in above list ? then what are you waiting for, just contribute more to get more awards

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

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