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  • Category: Windows

    Windows Application in ASP.Net with c#

    I am beginner in windows application.I want create the new Windows Application.
    Requirement is I have a file in this file format: .CSV/.txt/.xls/.xlsx File.
    Data will contain in this file format.
    Example: In one .CSV File Data is store like this:
    Column Name Column Name
    Name Branch code

    Same Branch code will repeat in this .csv file.
    I want do create new CSV file related to same Branch Code on my system
    Example: You have branch code Column And store data city wise.

    Name City
    Amit Mumabi01
    Sumit Mumbai01
    Ajay Delhi02

    Then Create New CSV file according to city Means Two(2) CSV File will create.

    1) CSV File of Mumbai (All Data related to mumbai will store)
    2) CSV File of Delhi (All Data related to delhi will store)

    File can be save Date wise or without date wise as per the client requirement.
    File will save in this Format: Branch_FileName_SysDate.CSV
    Files will upload on FTP

    FTP Folder Path / Upload / Folder Name
    In the Folder Name Already Folder will there City Folder of Mumbai / City Folder of Delhi folder will there & and City wise file will upload (Mumbai, Delhi file will upload)

    Also Maintain the Logs in the application
    1) Branch Code Blank
    2) Branch Not Found
    3) Folder Access Deined
  • #768626
    You can use this code snippet to create Windows Application in ASP.Net with c#
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Windows.Forms;

    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Text = "Change Properties by using this Coding";
    this.BackColor = Color.Brown;
    this.Size = new Size(350, 125);
    this.Location = new Point(300, 300);
    this.MaximizeBox = false;

    Reference :

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