Data formating using linq
i have a set of records stored in list its about 24 items i need in three rowsfor exampple its looks like
id name status
2 Masters NULL
12 Transactions NULL
13 Reports NULL
4 Projects TRUE
5 Team TRUE
6 Employee Category TRUE
7 Employee TRUE
8 JobType TRUE
9 PackType TRUE
10 Price TRUE
11 Currency TRUE
I need like below how i can get using linq
Module Name sub modules
Master [4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]
Transactions [4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]
Reports [4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]-[4,Projects,true]