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  • Category: SQL Server

    How to parse json data in sql server 2012?

    I am using sql server 2012.I have been assigned a task where one of my column(JsonText) of table(Sample) contain json data.I want to parse that data and insert into columns of another table(Test).I searched on net 'openjson' is supported in sql server 2016.How to do in sql server2012.

    Table1 : Sample
    Id JsonText Active

    webaddress?{'data':'{"PId": "XXXX","Status": "YES","Name":"XXX","Address":"XXXX","MobileNumber":"xxx"}'}

    I am intrested only 'PID,Address,MobileNumber' columns not all.

    Table Test structure like this
  • #768544
    You can use this code script to query table from JSON string
    max(case when name='Text' then convert(Varchar(50),StringValue) else '' end) as [Text],
    max(case when name='Value' then convert(Varchar(50),StringValue) else '' end) as [Value],
    max(case when name='Default' then convert(bit,StringValue) else 0 end) as [Default]
    From parseJSON
    where ValueType = 'string' OR ValueType = 'boolean'
    group by parent_ID

    reference :

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