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  • Category: ASP.NET

    How enter Multiple values in a single Textbox and how to Split it and How to Calculate it on running

    hi Developers

    How enter Multiple values in a single Textbox and how to Split it and How to Calculate it on both Running time and C#.

    i have a Textbox named txtDetails i should enter Many values or More than one value .
    i want to Split it by + or - or * and perform the calculation.
    if i entered values like this 10+20-10 the result will be =20.
    if i entered values like this 20 the result will be =20. thats all

    this is my requirement still i have no idea about this . if anyone of know how to do this please guide me to i am done this task.

    thanking you
    Prayer throw, Impossible becomes Possible.
  • #768442

    Kindly explain further about your requirement.
    Suppose consider you are entering like below in your textbox,

    and u expect it should be 60 in another text box?

    or u r expecting those 60 in the same textbox where you typing ?


  • #768456
    Thanks mr.Manigandan .

    my required
    10+20+30 =60
    i am expect it should be 60 in another text box or another label is enough to me.


    it should be 60 in another text box or Label

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