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  • Category: Smart Devices

    Connecting 2 mobiles through internet

    HI Freinds,

    Am new to windows app development.

    Is there any possibility to share 2 windows mobiles through internet?
    My requirement is, a group of mobiles need to monitor eachother but there must be restriction for
    some applicarions.
    ie, if am opening my personal app(Gallery) or some social app(FB, WA) then in that time our app should not allow others in that group to monitor us.

    Is that possable ?

    Thanks in advance.
  • #768414

    What you mean by group of mobiles?
    Is it like connection internet with group of mobiles?
    The example what you have given like When you open FB in your mobile others should not see in the group?
    So you mean to say you want to connect 3 or 4 mobile to PC and all the 4 mobile activities to be displayed in the PC?


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