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  • Category: ASP.NET

    What is best Database for ERP Application MVC ?

    What is best Database for ERP Application MVC ?

    And What should i use for Query ?

    stored procedure OR Linq
  • #768350

    Its purely depends on your project requirement and your project size.
    LINQ have more advantages that Stored Procedure in basis of Performance,Data Type Safety, Easy Debugging and comfortable deployments.
    But Stored Procedures also good in few points, Very Flexible and Good at Network Traffic and affordable.

    So its purely depends on your project requirement on selection of Stored Procedure than LINQ.
    If you application is very big and it was used by many user go by LINQ.
    If you application is big and you think heavy network traffic expected for your application then go for Stored Procedures.


  • #768375
    yes i agree with @Manigandan . its depends how your project required. then you can choose.

  • #768451

    If the data is complex and you think that project has huge then my suggestion is always go with Stored Procedures and if you want to perform one time actions like simply hit the database and get back the small amt of data from backend that time go with Entity Framework.

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  • #768517

    As per my suggestion stored procedure will be the better option as compared LINQ.One of the reason is Stored Procedure are faster than LINQ.Stored Procedure also useful for handling complex queries.So, it will be the better option.


  • #768529
    Hello ,

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  • #768540
    stored procedure and LINQ both have their advantages and disadvantages
    Stored procedures are faster as compared to LINQ query they can take the full advantage of SQL features. ... while LINQ query is compiled each and every time. Hence, LINQ query takes more time in execution as compared to stored procedures. Stored procedure is a best way for writing complex queries as compared to LINQ, Linq can, of course, be used to call stored procedures. Sql server will cache the query plans, so there's no performance gain for sprocs. Your linq statements, on the other hand, will be logically part of and tested with your application. Sprocs are always a bit separated and are harder to maintain and test.

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    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #768622
    I would say there are many open source databases and all are having their own advantages and flaws. so its depend on your use case to go with any one of available.
    I will sum up like below:
    Embedded in a desktop application: SQLite
    Backing for a web-based application: MongoDB or MySQL or PostgreSQL
    Analytics: PostgreSQL
    Geospatial: PostGIS

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