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  • Category: ASP.NET

    How to Calculate the Total of a Table Particular Column Row Values in C#.

    hi Developers i have a table Called tblPrice

    i want to Calculate Calculate the Total Table Particular Column Row Values.
    in my tblPrice table if i have values like

    Id Name Cost
    1 Mobile 1000
    2 T.V. 2000
    3 Camera 500

    My Expected the Output is should be 3500. (Cost Column Row[1]+Row[2]+Row[3])
    i am try to do i did't get exact output. so please help me to how i done my Requirement . I have no time so i can't able to try more

    thanking You
  • #768335
    anyway thanks friends i got exact output from the follwing query

    SqlConnection con = Connection.DBConn();
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from test", con);
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
    // dt is datatable and by using Compute Property we are calculating Sum of Price Column
    string sum = dt.Compute("Sum(name)", "").ToString();
    lbl.Text = sum.ToString();


  • #768340

    We can also do this in Excel sheet itself without going to database.

    Worksheet.Cells[10, 6].Formula =
    "=Sum(" + Worksheet.Cells[5, 26].Address +
    ":" + Worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, 26].Address + ")";

    The above is for the directly check the values from Excel sheet, So we open the excel sheet from application and see the values present in particular column.


  • #768341
    You can use SUM command to calculate total of a particular table
     int sum = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("SUM(Salary)", "EmpId > 10));
    int sum = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(row => row.Field<int>("EmpId") > 2).Sum(row => row.Field<int>("Salary"));

    Here is the code snippet for your problems
    Dim dt As New DataTable()
    dt.Columns.AddRange(New DataColumn(2) {New DataColumn("EmplId", GetType(Integer)),
    New DataColumn("Name", GetType(String)),
    New DataColumn("Salary", GetType(Integer))})
    dt.Rows.Add(1, "Mohan", 43000)
    dt.Rows.Add(2, "Sunil", 32000)
    dt.Rows.Add(3, "Rani", 18000)
    dt.Rows.Add(3, "Suzanne ", 18500)

  • #768459

    In your sql query itself you can perform the same operation using SUM method.

    select SUM(cost) from tablename

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

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  • #768462
    with he help of datatable and LINQ you can able to accomplish your task, see below snippet

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!this.IsPostBack)

    private void BindGrid()
    string query = "SELECT TOP 30 OrderID,";
    query += "(SELECT ProductName FROM Products WHERE ProductID = details.ProductId) ProductName,";
    query += "(Quantity * UnitPrice) Price";
    query += " FROM [Order Details] details";
    query += " ORDER BY OrderID";
    string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr))
    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query))
    using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter())
    cmd.Connection = con;
    sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
    using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
    GridView1.DataSource = dt;

    //Calculate Sum and display in Footer Row
    decimal total = dt.AsEnumerable().Sum(row => row.Field<decimal>("Price"));
    GridView1.FooterRow.Cells[1].Text = "Total";
    GridView1.FooterRow.Cells[1].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
    GridView1.FooterRow.Cells[2].Text = total.ToString("N2");

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

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