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  • Category: .NET

    How to play DSS and DS2 audio files using c# and asp .net

    I need to develop a web application that allows us to play DSS and DS2 audio files using c# and asp .net.But i could not find them is there any possibility to achieve this using web application.I am new to this can anybody help me out where can i find the code for this requirement.

    I had referred below links but i could not get the solution to my requirement can anyone help me out

    These are the links that i referred but i could not found the solution can anyone help me out
  • #768180

    Have you checked Media Player supporting DSS format?
    If so we can add the Media Player DLL and perform this task.

    Under the COM Components we have Windows Media Player DLL which we can add in the reference and use the dll in the code.

    openFileDialog1.Filter = "(mp3,wav,mp4,mov,wmv,mpg)|*.mp3;*.wav;*.mp4;*.mov;*.wmv;*.mpg|all files|*.*";

    It supports above format, kindly let us know if your format supports in Windows Media player if not tell us which player you are using to test this audio files.


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