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  • Category: ASP.NET

    I need Hosting for my website, where to get?

    I am preparing a website and my developer told me for Hosting. i was also discussing with my friend and he told me about ASP.NET Hosting from "myasp(dot)net". What can i do? i need suggestion.
  • #768108
    Do you want to host it for your INTRANET or on internet, if you want to deploy it on internet then you first need to buy a domain and then you can deploy your website on it, here are some LOW cost domain name where you can buy your own
    here is the link that will help you more
    Hope it helps

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #768112

    Hope you are looking for website hosting in internet and not for intranet.
    We have recently bought a domain in along with all the infrastructures with affordable price.
    But as Prasad mentioned you can also check those site and get the best one as you preferred.


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