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  • Category: .NET

    Web application is not accessible

    I have deployed application in IIS server in windows server 2008 R2. but now I could not access the application. I'm getting below error.
    Server Error
    500 - Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
    please help me in resolving the application.
  • #768100
    Hi Sreeja,

    This is very common error which happens when you deploy the application.
    Please do the following steps to make it work.

    1. Go to Application Pool select the Application and Restart it.
    2. Then come back to the IIS and click on the web page and refresh it.

    It will work now!!!

    If you still have issue now, kindly put the old backup publish file if you have any or create a new publish file and paste it over there and refresh it. If that works then there should be some issue with your web.config or application files.


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