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  • Category: .NET

    How to make performance faster while reading excel files

    i am trying to read excel cell values from excel sheets and i am doing this by opening the excel files and reading values using by two loops by rows and columns.

    but i am facing problem is that it's taking long time to process all the excel files.
    is there any best way to read excel files and bind to dataset.

    i have different kinds of files in different folders(each folder contains 100 excel files) and for each sheet i have defined sheetname,rowstart ,rowend, headerstart, headerend to use in loop for rows and columns and i have loaded this into datatable.
    while processing the excel files , i have filtered the above datatable based sheetname and then start looping based on row start, row end and columnstart and columnend.

    is there any tool where i can pass rowstart , rowend, columnstart,columnend to read excel cell values.

    Please help me on this.

  • #768080
    Hi Santosh,

    I will provide you my suggestion on this. I am not sure if its suits your requirement.
    One of our project, we faced this performance degradation issue in fetching details from the excel file to load into the web page.

    We tried out two methods/ways to rectify the performance degradation.

    Open XML:
    Before the Code take the values from the spreadsheet we convert all the excel sheet value as XML format, then the code get the values from XML file instead of Spreadsheet. We found out the significant improvement in the performance side when the data is huge (>180000 records)

    This Aspose.Cells is a third party tool they provided a GUI and API which is very helpful for all the functionalities related to the Spreadsheet. The performance was significant after the installation of Aspose.cells in the code.


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