How to make performance faster while reading excel files
Hi,i am trying to read excel cell values from excel sheets and i am doing this by opening the excel files and reading values using by two loops by rows and columns.
but i am facing problem is that it's taking long time to process all the excel files.
is there any best way to read excel files and bind to dataset.
i have different kinds of files in different folders(each folder contains 100 excel files) and for each sheet i have defined sheetname,rowstart ,rowend, headerstart, headerend to use in loop for rows and columns and i have loaded this into datatable.
while processing the excel files , i have filtered the above datatable based sheetname and then start looping based on row start, row end and columnstart and columnend.
is there any tool where i can pass rowstart , rowend, columnstart,columnend to read excel cell values.
Please help me on this.