Extracting data from database and displaying the data in jq grid using c# and asp .net
I need to display 10,000 records using jq grid and these 10,000 records should be extracted from database.Along with this i need to show paging, sorting, searching, buffering, filter for the jq grid only by using c# and asp .netI am able to find most of the jq grids on mvc but i only need a jq grid using c# and asp .net, which i am unable to find it out.Can anyone help me out withhttp://stackoverflow.com/content/img/progress-dots.gif this as i am new to this.This is an urgent requirement but i am unable to get it as i am new to this concept can any one help me out with this
I had used this link but its not working http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/rahul4_saxena/jqgrid-in-asp-net-c-sharp/