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  • Category: .NET

    Excel file processing using c#

    I would like to develop a small application to process excel data and update the outcome of data from excel into DB.
    can we develop this using .net with c# as programming language.

    My idea is to develop a windows application using c#. is it good idea?

    please suggest me.

  • #768022
    Hi Sreeja,

    We can develop in both Web as well as Windows. Both are same doesn't differ in Performance or Processing.
    Uploading a Excel data into Database is very common techniques available in many online websites.

    Most important thing in this uploading excel to Database was format. The format from Excel and Database table should perfectly match. if you miss something out their then it will became a tedious job.

    I feel if you uploading less data then you can opt for Web application, If you are uploading More data then move to Windows application.


  • #768082
    The most easy/efficient way to process data in Excel and import data from Excel to database is to use a 3rd party library.

  • #768099
    Hai Lakshmi,
    If you just want to process excel data and update the outcome of data from excel into DB, I think you don't need the Web or Windows application. You can simply create a console application and write all the logic there. It will be faster than the Windows and Web applications.
    Also If you want that the application should run automatically at a particular time, then you can create the Windows scheduler and set the time. At that specific time, it should pick the excel file from the particular location and do the processing of saving the data in to database.
    So the whole process can be automated just by this.
    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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