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  • Category: Career Guidance

    How i can learn my programming releted subject ?

    I m in sybca I have problem in practical programming like c++ and dfs how I can learn in my home?
  • #767971
    Hi Swati,

    We have numerous website which teaches C++ in clear and precise manner.
    You can go through the below websites which are absolutely great for CPP.

    DFS is hope you are referring Depth First Search.
    Depth First Search Programming available in the below link with clear steps one by one.

    Hope it helps.


  • #767972
    I can visit this all website and learn c++ thank you for your best reply.

  • #767974
    Hey Swati,

    i have such number of website to increase your C++ and DFS knowledge.
    You refer these webisites you surely can understanding.
    clear this subject into step by step.

    For C++

    i have also sent you one link for video for study C++

    For DFS

    Hope you it well,

    Thank You,
    Vaibhav shah

  • #767977
    thank you vaibhav shah for your response I can try on your given website or video

  • #767981

    To make a career in programming as a programmer, first you need to create a interest in programming, so in short you need to first understand basic programming concept, start from small program first like addition of two numbers
    Programmers fall into two camps: applications programmers and systems programmers. Applications programmers create and upgrade software applications and customize programs to fit a certain context, whether it be patient management software at a dentist's office or translation software for a mobile phone
    for detail check below link

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #768643
    Hi Swati,
    As you have mentioned that you have problem in programming. That means you have to be very clear in the basic concepts of programming. Grab any programming book and first go through the theory part. Then start creating small programs mentioned in the book in your laptop or desktop at your home. Run the program and try to understand the concept behind that program. After that create your own program, run it and see the results. Online tutorials are also available everywhere like we have DotNetSpider. You can also refer to this site under section "Tutorials". Never hesitate to ask your seniors or any body who is good in programming. Keep practicing.



  • #768676
    Dear Friend
    Depth First Search and C++ both are too important language to develop any project . We have a large number of website on internet where you can learn Depth First Search and C++ both with proper examples with code snippets but you should concentrate on your syllabus.

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