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  • Category: .NET

    How to hide a method in derived class

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a class that have some method which should not be accessed in derived class.How do I handle this.If we want to hide class itself we can make it as sealed.But what about method prevention alone.?

    Thanks in advance,
  • #767848

    You can make methods private in the parent class, so that those parent class methods are not accessible in child class even if we create object for child class or parent class since we are making method private.
    Refer below code snippet.

    public class parent
    private void ParentMethod()
    //some logic
    public void ParentMethod2()
    //some logic

    public class child : parent


    public static Void Main()
    parent _parentobject=new parent();
    _parentobject.ParentMethod(); //this method cannot be accessed since private method in parent class.
    _parentobject.ParentMethod2(); //this method can be accessed since public method in parent class.

    child _childobject=new child();
    _childobject.ParentMethod(); //this method cannot be accessed since private method in parent class.
    _childobject.ParentMethod2(); //this method can be accessed since public method in parent class.


    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #767866

    If you want to use the method with in class then declare the method type as Private using this you can hide the methods in derived classes.

    declare the method like this in your parent class

    private void methodname()

    now in your derived class you will not get this method for inheriting.

    Hope this helps you...

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

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  • #767898

    Refer below:
    Only members of the class can access the varibales

    All the members can access that variable

    If any variable is declared as protected, so tat class and its derived class can only access.

    Only members in current project have access to the elements.


    class Sample
    private void a();
    class sampleb

    a is only accessible in Sample.

    If a is public void a();

    a is accessible in Sample and sampleb.

    class Sample
    Protected void a();
    class sampleb : sample


    a is accessible in Sample and sampleb.

    Hope this will give you an idea

    Never lose hope..You never know what tomorrow will bring

  • #767909
    Hai Sharmila,
    If you want to hide the class in the derived class, you can make the class as Sealed. The method can be made as private. So the private method can't be accessed to the derived class.
    Private class members are inherited but cant be accessible.

    class MyClass
    private void MyMethod()
    // do something
    class MyChild : MyClass
    // method will not be accessible here.

    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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