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  • Category: JavaScript

    Anugular js VS angular js type script

    What is the differance between Angular js coding and Angular js coding with type script?
  • #767548
    Each technology has their own pros and cons, Basically Type script can mix some great future JS features along with static typing and other TS-specific constructs, type safety can help you find errors early, during the authoring. Support for inheritance, interfaces, etc. bring a much better OOP experience to JS, which makes for better code decoupling and reuse, one more advantage of JavaScript is, Syntax may be more comfortable for C# or Java developers
    Considering Angular JS, Type script has following disadvantages, TS requires a compile stage; you can't just directly run it. Some of the heavy lifting to get your project created, building, testing, statically analyzed, etc. can be quite complicated and confusing

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

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