Elastic Search using asp.net, c# and SqlServer
HiI am very much new to Elastic Search.
I have got a requirement to search records from database and display it on a Webpage using ElasticSearch2.3.2
Currently I am using asp.net , c# and SqlServer
The description of the requirement is as follows.
For Example
I have a table in sqlserver database. Let us assume the name is orders.
Cutomer id ---- Customer Name --- Location
1--- Abc --- Mumbai
2--- Xyz --- Delhi
3--- Pqr --- Bangalore.
Now by giving the CustomerID as input from a Textbox, the application must display the details of the concerned CustomerID and details related to it
For example if I give "1", it must give the below results
Cutomer id Customer Name Location
1--- Abc--- Mumbai
Please help me in a step by step procedure how can I achieve this using Elastic Search
So as per my understanding and analysis , I have downloaded the software for Elastic search and installed it. Also I have installed Java in my machine (Elastic search requires Java to be runned in the machine). Please help me by giving any sample code or else any links where I can understand correctly. I have verified couple of links but were not that clear.
I am totally frustrated searching the websites but not able to find out any resolutions for my problem.