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  • Category: SQL Server

    Regarding Report Data Model Project Impacts

    I would like to know the solution
    when we upgrade data model to sql server 2012 does we have any impacts?
    Any impacts of upgrading SSRS from 2012 to 2014?
    What is the Estimated effort to upgrading exisiting model to newer format?

    My data model project has one .ds file,one .dsv file and .smdl file.

    How can I know like my data model tied to specific version of sql server and SSRS?
    How to check weather it using SSAS?
  • #767077
    It will not affect while you are migrating from SQL 2012 to 2014. In fact some issues may raise when the migration is from SQL 2008 to 2012/2014.
    My suggestion is to please go through this incase:

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