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  • Category: [About DotNetSpider]

    Regarding Members Level Decreasing Reason.


    My Member Level Transfer Diamond to Gold

    May i know what is the reason for this
    can you explain

    Now My Member Level Gold. But Previous i placed Diamond Member
    what is issue in my side .

    can you explain this
  • #766994

    As per DNS rules for Diamond level person should complete 2500 points in a year, if it's decrees at any point, then your points will decrees.

    If you want to know more details about Member Level refer below link

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

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  • #766998
    Navin ok

    How to check when i move Diamond and Gold now . can you share where i go to check them.

    now my yearly points every month automatically decreasing why ?

    can you show clearly how much point i get when i got diamond level in the year?

    Name : Dotnet Developer-2015
    Email Id :

    'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

  • #766999

    If you want to check your current Member Level, then in your profile page itself you can able to check,

    If you want to know the other Members Level then you can go through the below link,

    If you want to know your annual points then you need to go through the below link and find your points past 1 year

    Hope this will helpful..

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #767000
    Hi Kumar.

    The diamond level criteria is the member should have crossed minimum 5001 and maximum 25000 points, mean while he should score 2,500 points in last 12 months.
    You can calculate the points by date wise by using the below url.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #767001


    This is from date : 07/02/2015
    This is to date : 07/01/2016

    but remaining 1 month have this query ?

    how to check when i webmaster approve diamond level tat from date to date how to check?

    Name : Dotnet Developer-2015
    Email Id :

    'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

  • #767002
    Hello Kumar,
    Please see the below link. You will more information about it.

    For diamond members following are the rules.
    Diamond: 5001 to 25000 Points AND 2,500 points earned in last 12 months

    The level will be changed automatically by calculating your paints. For now you are relaying in the borderline (up and down) so that you are not able to get it clearly once you steady (above 2500). you will become diamond. There may be some Jobs run in the backend to calculate these. So do not worry keep posing will reach.
    I was also diamond member. But Now I become GOLD. :)

    By Nathan
    Direction is important than speed

  • #767004
    Hi Kumar.

    From 07/01/2015 to 07/01/2016 you have 2514 points which made you to be in diamond level.
    07/02/2015 to 07/01/2016 you have 2475 points which made you to be in gold level.
    Hope you got an idea.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

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