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    Why choose the best answer option is not given to author?

    Previously dotnetspider website allows the author to choose the best answer from the submitted by various responses but I am unable to see that now. It will give the other seekers who difficult to find a solution will easily find the required result. In other websites like stack over flow a tick mark is provided in that that means the result is verified. Choose the best answer will have certainly an added advantage feature why that is disable. Knowledgeable members please respond to the question.
  • #766905
    Hi Sriram,

    Yes, I too observe the same, I thought that DNS is under migration may be because of that reason it is not available at present, once migration done I expect all the features which available in past may be available.

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  • #766915
    it is not disable, but it hidden due to style sheet issue.
    DNS is undergoing a migration, it needs some time to get all its features back.
    if you want to accept any solution as BEST answer now then follow below steps
    1. Edit your own question
    2. Just submit it without change any contents
    3. click on Current Message Link
    4. Now you can see OLD interface
    Hope it helps

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #766924
    Hi Srirama.

    As Prasad said, it was the layout issue where as if we edit our own content and resubmit the response previous interface(UI) is shown , where we can see the option to select the best answer.
    It takes time to change the UI and to make all functionalities work as earlier.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #766926
    It may be an issue in the style sheet issue. If DNS fix that issue it will be good for the reader to identify the good answers.
    I hope DNS will fix this quickly.

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