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  • Category: .NET

    Crystal Report tutorial for vs 2010

    I need complete tutorial on crystal report for vs 2010 in pdf or word i.e. starting from basic to advanced i.e. it should cover topics like :

    1. Simple report
    2. Group report
    3. Chart report
    4. Sub report
    5. Cross tab report

    Note : I don't need examples since they are showing only steps and no info regarding it.
  • #766636
    Hi Jayesh,

    This is not the place to teach you step by step, if you want teaching then join in any institute, before asking question in any forum you should be very clear in one point, i.e. you should try it by your self first.

    What have you tried so far, Have you Google those topics.?

    Have you read any articles for the same.?

    Without all how you are expecting help from others.? At-least if you tried then we will help you to understand better without that how can we help you. ?

    For your kind information, this is the place to clear issues which they faced while implement the project, not for teaching section.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #766672
    Hi naveensanagasetti,

    I would like to inform you that i am not expecting from any members step by step teaching but only links to proper online tutorial which covers information.
    When i googled these, I found examples which show steps for report creation but don't include information on it.
    Hence, I needed some links to pdf or word tutorial to understand these topics.

  • #766674
    Hi Jayesh,

    Refer below links which describes steps as well as information about those topics,

    1. Simple report

    2. Group report

    3. Chart report

    4. Sub report

    5. Cross tab report

    Hope those links will helpful to you, to understand better those concepts.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #766675
    Refer below tutorials and see if it helps.

    Not sure why you are learning VS 2010 at this stage as we progressed a lot and now we have 2015

    Asheej T K

  • #766689
    If you have visual studio 2010 then you can use crystal report, from VS2010 crystal report is not included in VS package you need to separately installed it
    first you need to download it from following link
    you need to use below namespace to use crystal report
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
    you can fetch data in dataset and directly bind it to crystal report as datasource using 'SetDataSource' method of crystal report object
    then 'ReportSource' property of crystal report viewer can be set to document
    crystal report for Visual studio 2015 link can be found as below

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #766690
    You can find lot of links to study the reports. Better you can go for video tutorials. In the youtube you can find lot for play list to study.
    If you want articles regarding the reports you can refere some of the following links

    By Nathan
    Direction is important than speed

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