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  • Category: ASP.NET

    SpeechSynthesizer and SpeechRecognition using c#

    Am enhancing an existing web application (Psychometric Test battery;using Asp.Net,C#,SqlServer)which is already being used by normal users as all of us; now we are enhancing the same for visually impaired persons

    So I am thinking to implement this speech recognition in that with existing grid view; but am struggling with that;

    In the existing one we have used gridview to load the data from db,now I can't able to read the record one by one using SpeechSynthesizer; It's keep on reading till end of all the records.

    Here the code:

    SpeechSynthesizer sp1 = new SpeechSynthesizer();
    protected void btn_Spk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (GridViewRow row in gvtemperament.Rows)
    Label lbl1 = (Label)row.FindControl("lbl_desc");
    sp1.Volume = 100;
    sp1.Rate = -3;

    Can anyone please help me out on this?

    And also I need to implement SpeechRecognition to make the system more flexible as a one to one conversation.

    Narendran Namachivayam.?
  • #766405
    You need to perform below operation to work on speech recognizer
    1.Initialize the speech recognizer.
    2.Create a speech recognition grammar.
    3.Load the grammar into the speech recognizer.
    4.Register for speech recognition event notification.
    5.Create a handler for the speech recognition event.
    To initialize an instance of the shared recognizer in Windows, use the SpeechRecognizer class.
    see below link

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #766408

    you can go through below url for DNS Project section


    Name : Dotnet Developer-2015
    Email Id :

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