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  • Category: .NET

    How to products add stock automatically when i am deleted the return sales bill

    I am creating windows application using c# 2010, here I am create sales bill form, somebody return the product that time I am delete the sales bill number.(Ex delete Bill Number :1 ), but how to again deleted bill number products add our stock form automatically.
  • #766341
    Didn't understood your question properly. Do you want to say that deleted bill number (Eg. Bill Number 1) should be available for you to reuse it?

  • #766344
    So if any customer return any product at the time of purchase, you need to add that item in your stock back right ?
    to accomplish your task you have following two options
    1. use transaction objet, before generating your bill number if any customer return any item just get the ROLLBACK method
    2. Add a 'return item' button in application, Accept item code and bill no on that form and when any customer return any item, search that item from specific billno and delete it from that bill, as always as add that item in stock again.
    it is really simple

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #766867
    Use transaction commands rollback

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