How to get the office 365 contacts to our mvc application?

Hi all,

How to get the office 365 contacts to our mvc application?
I followed the below link for this.

But I am unable to update the web.config values.
Any one tell me how I will get the following web.config values.

<add key="ida:TenantId" value="45e4e408-38e2-4546-bfb0-31f2b5bb41ef" />
<add key="ida:ClientId" value="6ba825ca-d274-4fae-8681-ecf6fedbdd61" />
<add key="ida:ClientSecret" value="6HpEZxfbbk1RM7nH8iSD0TnTPYtOpBMhoLxdu9z27+o=" />
<add key="ida:AADInstance" value="" />
