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  • Category: [Announcements]

    DNS MVM Awards - Gold Members are eligible to apply

    Hello Members,

    Earlier we made announcement inviting applications for DotNetSpider MVM Awards for April, 2016. One of the eligibility criteria was that only Diamond members are eligible to apply for the MVM Awards. Now we are happy to announce that Tony Sir has agreed to relax this rule and Gold members are also eligble for the Award. So this is the chance for all Gold members also to apply for the Award.

    So we request all the Gold members also to apply for the MVM award... The rules remain the same except that the membership level is relaxed to Gold member now...

    We are gladly announcing the acceptance of applications for DNS-MVM ( DotNetSpider Most Valuable Member) awards. We present the MVM Award to thank individuals for their exceptional contributions to Dotnetspider. The criteria for selection of DNS-MVM award is as follow:

    • We are going to give the award 4 times in a year. January, April, July, October.
    • This Award is valid for 1 year from the date of selection
    • MVM status will be automatically renewed for eligible members
    • Only members who are in Diamond level or above will be considered for the MVM award.
    • Webmaster, Editors, Admins may refer a member for the DNS-MVM
    • Microsoft MVP status will be an added Advantage
    • Members who contribute good articles and who help other members by posting valuable answers in the forum will be given higher priority.
    • Final decision is reserved with Admins.

    All Gold and Diamond members are eligible to apply for the award.

    Now we are inviting applications for DNS-MVM award for the month of April, 2016.. So all the eligible members are requested to submit their applications in the attached format (MSWORD) and should send the filled in application through email to

    Note: - We will also be reviewing the status of MVMs selected in April, 2015.

    The last date for submission of application is 20th May, 2016.

    MVMs - April, 2015
    MVMs - October, 2015
    MVMs - January, 2016

    Please find the DNS MVM application form as an attachment with this announcement. Download the Application for DNS MVM Award
  • #765889
    Thanks Raghav,

    For new changes in DNS MVM award, guys this is the great opportunity to all the people those who are in Gold / Diamond level. Grab the Chance to nominate your name for DNS MVM.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #765900
    Good News... Great move by DNS.
    @Gold level members
    Grab this opportunity first and Be a DNS MVM. send application for DNS MVM and grab it
    Thanks to Dotnetspider, it is really a nice thing, Now golden members will be MVM soon.

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #765906
    Great News ..:)
    n thanks Raghav, it will be a great opportunity to all the members.

  • #765909
    Its' a great news for all of us as many members are at the gold level so they can apply and become the DNS MVM. Guys, apply fast if you are one of the eligible member.
    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

  • #765920
    Thanks for the great announcement and a accepting a requested change to include members of Gold Level for MVM program.
    I am excited to join and members, apply soon.

    Glad to be,
    John Bhatt
    Editor - DNS Forums

  • #765927
    Thanks Tony and Raghav for updating the criteria of "Only Diamond Members" to "Gold Members". This is highly appreciable and welcomed decision for boosting all DNS Members to achive this milestone of(DNS MVM).
    The mail id provided is not working it says "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently" do update the same.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #765935
    @Raghav - Its a great announcement!
    Guys - do send your nominations.

    Thanks & regards,
    Gaurav Kumar Arora
    Site Coordinator - DNS
    My blog -

  • #765948
    Thanks for the announcement. This is the good opportunity for all the Gold Membership.
    By Nathan
    Direction is important than speed

  • #766002
    This is really a great news for all Gold members. I thank to all DNS editors, Raghav sir, Tony sir for altering it to Diamond and Gold Members.

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