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  • Category: [About DotNetSpider]

    DNS Site performance and Maintainance

    Hi Editors/ Webmasters,

    As I seen in DNS( dotnetspider ) forum, no body taking care.

    Reg : Copy Violation

    I have seen the Copy violation while Answering the forum posts, same thing I drop a mail to our webmasters too, but still there is no response.

    Reg : Maintainance

    We faced lot of issues with UI, while accessing the DNS site.

    Reg : Cash Announcement

    Around 1 year back Cash Announcement is happen after that there is no announcement, most of our members reaches their minimum limit too. Same-thing i drop a mail, but no response.

    Reg : Member Of Year Award

    After new reward program announced, there is no updates on Member of Year Award,

    I have drop all the issues several times, but no one respond any mails, I never seen this in previous days, but recently No one is taking care about DNS site. I request to any one of WebMaster or Editors will co-ordinate with Tony, regarding these issues.

    Request to consider my request and do the needful asap.
  • #765869
    Hi Naveensanagasetti

    Thanks for report.

    I have already reported UI problems to webmaster and super editor.
    I am copy your contents and send this mail again.
    Hope Management team will take on priority.


    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #765894

    I also emailed (1 month ago) some of the queries/issues to webmaster but still there is no reply.

    Thanks & regards,

  • #765905

    I agree navin. I am also mail to webmaster for Member Of Year Award still now no reply.

    Name : Dotnet Developer-2015
    Email Id :

    'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

  • #765923
    Hi Naveen,

    Thanks for your efforts towards improvement of DNS. As you are senior member, All Editors are volunteers and they contribute their time based on their availability. After a full time job, managing time for community is tough some time.

    Regarding the UI, as this is based on custom CMS, we can't apply themes available on Internet, Webmaster Tony and his Dev team has to port each and every modules. Being a network CMS, it is hard to change theme for particular site.
    However, I strongly agree towards the innovation of website and frequently put the similar request to Webmaster on social media interactions. The new layout of DNS home page is result of the improvement.

    Regarding payment, only our Webmasters can answer. I request webmasters to announce payments of members to keep them supporting and contributing.

    Glad to be,
    John Bhatt
    Editor - DNS Forums

  • #765936
    Hi Naveen.

    I appreciate your concern. As the site under went huge UI changes, it took time for webmasters to make all options work proper as earlier. Due to that we are unable to edit the content(question and responses) which are posted in the forum. Now most of the issues are fixed regarding editing options for forum. We are working on forum to find the duplications and spam.
    So I request you to update with us if any copy right violation is found, we will definately do our best to keep far such copy contents.
    Cash announcemnets were also given, regarding member of the year I too mailed the same with webmasters, hopefully they will announce soon.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #765953
    I think there are lot of UI issues happening in converting the DSN into mobile compatibility site. If the DNS plan little bit more for each release they can avoid this issue. I think the Cash announcement issue is solved.
    And also because of this conversion we are losing many nice functionalities which was there before.

    By Nathan
    Direction is important than speed

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