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  • Category: .NET

    Creating SQL Server Database accessible from anywhere

    Hi Guys. I have already implemented an application which is running with a sql server and a client of 60 inside a company. now the company want to access the data outside of the office. how to make the existing database accessible from the outside?

    Sql Server 2012 i have.

    Windows application is already built and running successfully.

    is there any possibility that they connect their pc from home internet and open the windows application which is already built and able to connect to the database which is in the office building.

    Give me a solution. Management needs this for sure. Your help will be very useful for me.
  • #765773

    For accessing the database from any location you have to keep the copy of sql server on hosting server( just like we publish the website by purchasing the space and domain). After moving your local sql server database to online sql server database anyone can access it if they have your current windows application. ( small change in window app just change the sql connection string as per the online database ipaddress username & password details.)

    Hope this information give you clear picture about your requirements.


  • #765813
    follow below steps to configure and access outside network
    1.configure SQL Server to accept remote connection and,
    2.Setup and Configure the firewall running on this server machine to allow inbound incoming connections
    alternatively you can deploy your SQL over internet to access it widely
    connect SQL using a Firewall System with the SQL Server Database Engine
    see below link for more detail

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #765974

    As per my knowledge I have two ways to do this activity:-

    Transferring or moving the SQL Server DB schema with data from local server to online server that means hosting the application database in hosting DB Server which can be accessible not only from inside/ intranet but also from outside.Only thing you have to change the SQL Connection String or connection property of your application (i.e. is connecting to the SQL Server DB) by providing user credential and ipaddress or host name, etc.

    There is another way but that is a slow process and good internet connection is required.
    First of all, Company can install the application and database into a main server and access that server by Remote Desktop Application Tool like TeamViewer, etc.For this you have install the TeamViewer Tool on both Server and the Client machine (as per instruction given in TeamViewer guidelines).

    Reference Sites for TeamViewer :-

    But, the best thing is that to move your DB to hosting server that will be better than the TeamViewer one.


  • #765976

    Additionally, one thing I have missed.

    Both are good option.

    The thing is that TeamViewer is mainly used for accessing Remote Desktop which is good.

    But, for your case moving your DB schema with data in hosting server is the better option for accessing and storing data.


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