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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Guidelines to Answer the post

    Hi Experts,

    I have seen no of post, our experts provide full source code whatever the member raise it. I request to all Experts please don't share the full code to help others, this wont helpful to the members to grow up their skills. If we start to give full code, without try they will ask Experts help. May be this will helpful to them temporary, but this is not at all the permanent solution. Please think by your self and if you are agree with me, then please consider my words before respond to any thread.
  • #763052
    Hello Naveen,

    I am totally agreed with your post and i am one of them who provide full source code based on the requirement if it's possible to solve those queries.

    But we provide the source code them because one they get the code so that they can grow up their skills next time when they face the same type of problems.

    I hope you understand what i mean to say.

    Nirav Lalan
    DNS Gold Member
    "If you can dream it, you can do it."

  • #763053
    @nirav, Source code available in Google itself, they didn't search in Google.

    If they are travelling in desert, and they may feel thirsty but there is no water in surroundings, what they do?

    they need to search the near locations where it is available and do more hardwork until they got water to drink, without tried by themselves they are expecting KINLEY bottle, who will give. Without struggle the pain we can't achieve anything by ourself.

    As per my point of view, we should try out by ourself then only we can able to learn at-least one new point in that. If we provide full source code, what they do? they simply copy and paste that's it...

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

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  • #763058
    Hi Naveen.

    Yes there should not be spoon feeding. Members are not posting their error message and they even with out trying they are posting requirement with one or two lines as a question by expecting the complete source code. This is not good.

    Sridhar Thota.
    Editor: DNS Forum.

  • #763061
    Hello Naveen.

    I agree with you concern. please members dont make people lazy to work on code. And dont make them fast in copy of code and paste.
    Instead of that you can give best suggestion how to solve problem.
    If needed then you can post code snippet but not all source code including using system;.... all these and html markup dont post. Just post c# logic.


    Sai Krishna Reddy.

  • #763064

    Exactly saying well said . Normally developers need tips only then good developer means take little bit tips then solve they issue good thinking share this naveen

    Name : Dotnet Developer-2015
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    'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

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