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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    MKCL STAGE 2 Network Enginner Hands on test

    I have shortlisted for mkcl stage 2 hands on test for network engineer , Kindly if you have any knowledge about practicals/hands on test in n/w'ing then please do share . My interview is scheduled on 19th sept .
    Thank you in advance .

    regards ,

    Abhimanyu Dixit
  • #751286
    Hi abhi,

    This site is mostly focused on .net, better you search in Google for the same.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #751369
    Hi Abhi,

    First of congratulations for clearing the first stage and all the best for second stage.
    Below are the links where you can find the question papers for the MKCL stage 2 exam and their details-
    Hope this will help you !!

    Ashutosh Jha

  • #751481
    Syllabus for Hands on Test for mkca stage 2:
    Section a contains the portions like web concept, Oops concept, datastructures, then C++ basic programs.
    Section B: The Section B hands on test will contain questions on Operating system concept, networking,devices and security abou network. all the things. Just refer the official site for that and prepare the concept b concept for the exam searching in google. still you have 4 days so you can prepare in this. All the best.

    Rajesh B
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