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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    I need information in Invoice payment in dotnetspider ?

    Are you looking for a way to information in Invoice payment in dotnetspider ? then read this thread to know more about it

    Hi everyone,

    In Invoice Payment for dotnet spider what is Site Name and Invoice No. / Ref No. . Can Some one please send me a sample of Document . For which they have got the payment .I just want to check the details which i filled in is correct or not.
    All suggestion are welcome.
  • #740450

    Congrats Rakesh on getting prize cash from Dotnetspider in revenue share program.
    I have gone through your profile, Dotnetspider has announced a cash prize for you 1100/- you need to send an invoice document with invoice number [Invoice# DNS-5201].
    fill following information in Invoice document

    Site Name :
    Invoice No. / Ref No : DNS-5201

    fill all banking detail and upload it, so that DNS can processed your request.
    Enjoy with your first cash prize.
    Ask me if you have any problem

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #740452
    And User Id: rakeshchaubey1989 Am i correct Prasad And Sl. No. Description Amount
    1. Payment announced in the site is Rs 1250 1250 only

    Rakesh Chaubey

  • #740461
    Dear Rakesh
    First of all my heartiest congratulation for your first payment in DNS . You can use this link for guideline of how to receive payments

  • #740464

    Hai Rakesh,
    You can check the payment which got announced from your profile.

    Just go to the gift/awards tab, you can see there the details as below:
    03 Oct 2013 - Cash Payment : Rs 1100.00 (Cash Payments for the pending Cash Credits as on 30th Sept., 2013, Invoice# DNS-5201)
    So you can click on the details and then you can attach the document details with your bank details etc.
    I attached the format of the document for the reference.
    Announcement Page:

    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)


    Delete Attachment

  • #740468
    Thanks All ..Now i got it .Thank you very much again...
    Rakesh Chaubey

  • #740470
    Hi Rakesh,

    If you want to get the money from DNS first off all you must fill the application form then sent back that to our webmaster.

    You must take care the following points.

    1) Invoice num : when they announce amount then they give one ref num use that while filling this.

    2) User Id : as per DNS

    Remaining all the inforamtion you can able to fill as per document.

    Hope this will help you to get your money.

    Give respect to your work, Instead of trying to impress your boss.

    Blog :

  • #740485


    You can download the sample invoice document from below announcement:

    I can see one invoice in your name. Please fill the details in the invoice form after downloading and attach the same against that invoice.

    If you have any more doubts please read our help on invoice submission

    Let me know if you require any more help in this regard.

    Asheej T K

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