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    How to update a local database from remote db sql server programmatically?

    Are you looking for information on update functionality? Want to know how to update a local database from remote db sql server programmatically? Then read this thread to learn more about it.

    Hi all

    I'm developing a Win Forms application which uses a local database, how can I update this local DB with values from a remote DB using c# code, is it possible ?
  • #739692
    You have to first read the remote data base value and get it in the application. Once you have the value you can use the same to update your local machine.

    Please store the data in any storing option like reader or a dataset.

    Thanks & Regards
    Anil Kumar Pandey
    Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM

  • #740129
    Hai Praveen,
    Why do you want to update it through programming? your database related stuff should be in the config file-App.Config or Web.Config and not in the individual pages.
    You just need to make the server name so that it should point to the remote database server.
    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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