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    For learning complete .net package

    Can any one help how can i learn .net complete by online.
  • #707504

    I suggest you to learn oops concept and try to do simple programs or take it any concept and work on that. Then you will get more knowledge on that while doing the task.

    refer this site:

  • #707508
    hi mani
    thanks for post me i will try these site.

  • #707572

    You can learn / start from in DNS tutorial section itself. try to work each and every control in the tool box in the beginning stage understand what is the use of each control and then slowly come to project side. Do some simple projects using controls.

    If you have any doubt on any .NET concept post in the forum section we will help you to solve your doubt..

    Your Hard work never fails

  • #707585
    you can read the tutorials/resources posted in dotnetspider
    also you can get lot of tutorials in the net.
    if you want to know about advanced feature, look in msdn

    some sites are listed below


  • #707686
    hi frnds can any one tell me briefly about cls or cts with example. why cls is subtype of cts.

  • #708068
    Hai Ajay,
    CLS(Common Language Specification)- All the languages which support in net have the same and common specification or we can say common structure to write the programs. The structure of the C# code and VB.Net code is same the only different is writing based on the syntax. So all the supported languages follows the Common Language Specifications of writing or developing the applications.

    CTS (Common Type System)- It fully describes all the common data types for all the languages.
    For example- in C#, to declare the integer variable, we use the below snippet of code:
    int i=10;

    The same code snippet in VB.Net, can be written as:
    Dim i as Integer = 10

    Now here the int and Integer both represent the same type and the net framework read it as System.Int32. SO the System.Int32 is the common type.
    .Net framework support more than 45 language so if you declare the int variable in any of these supportable language it will understand System.Int32
    CLS is Subtype of CTS because in CTS we only talk about the common types but in CLS we talks about the whole stricture which also includes the types internally.
    Hope it will be helpful to you

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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