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    ERROR: "Database logon failed"

    Do you want to create crystal report in windows application? Getting Database logon failed error? Read this thread to solve error.

    Hi friends,

    I am using crystal report in windows application. The reports are working in my development system but its throwing "Database logon failed" in deployment system.
    I have checked my connection string also but I could not find out the error. Please suggest your valuable solutions.

  • #704532

    It seems Crystal report could not connect to the database. Check database is available or not, also make sure you have correct connection string.
    Try to follow below steps from the application server to make sure you are able to connect the database and you are using the correct connection string.

    1. Open a notepad file and save the file with the extension "test.udl".
    2. DOuble click test.udl to open DataLink properties.
    3. From the provider tab select the OLEDB provider for SQL database.
    4. From the connection tab select/Type the servername and Provide User id and password if you have and select the database you want to use.
    5. Click on test connection to test the connectivity and click OK
    6. Right click test.udl and open it in notepad to check the connection string.

    Also refer this article for more details about this error:

    Asheej T K

  • #704543
    There should be some error while connecting to database.
    Try to connect to your database with the help of user and password that you have used in your connection string.
    Most of the time "Logon failed" error occurred when either UesrName or password is wrong.

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

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