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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Quiz on .net concepts

    Hi All,

    DNS is creating interest in .net for all the members.

    For DNS is that possible to add Quiz or .net exam for selected topics.
    Each topic if we have all possible questions ...Members will actively participate .
    Each question with multiple choices ,and with two options like Answer,Explanation if you add to each question that will be very helpful .

    Just this is my suggestion ,hope you will take positvely ...
  • #702256
    This may be the good point and can be under consideration. you send an eamil to webmaster can ask for the above idea.
    Thanks for this valueable suggestion.

    contribute more to get more

    Editor, DotNetSpider MVM
    Microsoft MVP 2014 [ASP.NET/IIS]

  • #702291
    I think it would be rather to start helping the members in preparing certification as it would be helpful to the developers or the people who are interested to write the exams

  • #702464
    there is already a section called interview questions with multiple choices.

    are you suggesting same thing or something different ?


  • #702556
    Hi not like interview questions ,i mean like for each topic from the basic to complex what all possible questions if they maintain ...members will try to answer know .If they cannot answer there itself it should have options like "show Answer" ,"Explanation".

    This is what i really meant.

  • #703069
    As this is a very good suggestion, You can send mail to webmaster regarding this and let them decide on the same.

    -Sarang Singnapurkar.

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