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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    How to re calucalate my points

    How to re calculate my points. How i Will get more points
  • #693544
    Hai Suneel,
    To re-calculate the points, first login to your portal and then go to the Dashboard from the top link.
    You will see the dash board in the left side.
    below you can find the links-
    Recalculate the points
    Click on it to get the fresh updated points.
    See the screen-shot attached for reference.
    make sure that you are using Mozilla Firefox. in IE sometime you won't be able to see this Dashboard link.
    Hope it will be helpful to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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  • #693549

    Go to Your profile dashboard(click on your top right corner after sign in then choose dashboard page). Under Manage Profile tag two links available like below

    Re Calculate My Points
    Re Calculate My Earnings

    Click those links to update your point and earnings from DNS (not Adsense earnings)

    Your Hard work never fails

  • #693553
    Dear Suneel
    You can easily calculate your cash and point through dashboard which is available in right corner of this site.When you click dashboard in the bottom of your board. There are two option available one for calculating your point and another option to calculate your cash rewards

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