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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    What is the extension of Google web pages.?

    anyone know in which computer language google pages are developed or design.and what is the extension of google page ?
  • #684140

    Google always keep such information secret. Though if you are talking about Google's search engine, they are using languages like C++ at the core.

    Though Google also uses ASP.NET. Gmail and Orkut are based on ASP.NET and Ajax.

    Hope it'll help you.

  • #684180
    There is no complete information about the language used to create the google pages. But its true that it is a open source language.
    Thanks & Regards
    Anil Kumar Pandey
    Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM

  • #684303
    Thank you sir, i got your such a kind or value able information. but how they do this.? in we can hide the complete page name not only the extension. this property is not so common because we can't gives other to our page address.
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