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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Points Not Increased

    hi spider friends,

    Since 2 years back i am not using dotnet spider.Last monthly only i am using spider i am giving answer points not increased please what is the exactly reason.

  • #683527
    You have to click recalculate points to get it done

    On the right side Panel of Dotnetspider you will find Your name under "My Profile". Click on it. It will take you to your dashboard, there you will find "Recalculate mu Points" under "manage profile". Please click on it to see your points increased.

    Please mark this as Answer, if this helps

    Alwyn Duraisingh.M 
    << Database Administrator >>
    Jesus saves! The rest of us better make backups...

  • #683546
    have you try Re calculating the points??? Please try once.

    if still its not done you can send a mail to the web master regarding this issue...

    Thanks & Regards
    Anil Kumar Pandey
    Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM

  • #683604
    After login paste this url

    In top left corner under manage profile "Re Calculate My Points" link is there to click that to recalculated updated point

    Your Hard work never fails

  • #708060
    There is an option to recalculate your points. Please check under dashboard for this.
    Please send a mail to webmaster incase you are unable to see updated points.
    Also you need to contribute quality contents for increasing points. All the very best!

    I hope it is useful for you.
    Best regards,
    Prachi Kulkarni.

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    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.