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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Reg:Adsense Account Approval

    My Adsense Account is Still Pending with Dotnetspider.
    Please do the needful
  • #682639
    You have to send a mail to webmaster regarding approval of your adsense account which is pending from DNS side.


  • #682642
    Please drop a mail to the web master, if there is any issue this will be resolved and your account will get approved.

    have you checked that you are satisfying all the condition required for adsense approval.

    Thanks & Regards
    Anil Kumar Pandey
    Microsoft MVP, DNS MVM

  • #699384
    Hi Nandhini,
    Your Adsense is not yet approved by google. We approve your request once you get approval from google.

    Please use contact us page to send mail to webmaster once you get google approval.

    Asheej T K

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