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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    What is sharepoint? Plz give me brief explanation about sharepoint history how it will be

    What is sharepoint? Plz give me brief explanation about sharepoint history how it will be useful and i need some tutorial sites
  • #674560
    Microsoft SharePoint is a web application platform.Microsoft has developed it.SharePoint provides a Microsoft Office like interface.
    It is more associated with web content management and document management.In sharepoint, site is a contextual work environment.
    Communication and understanding happens at Community.
    SharePoint enables no-code integration of data, documents and processes to provide composite applications.
    SharePoint provides management of documents and work items which need to be stored, found, updated, collaborated , managed, documented, archived, traced or restored in accordance with relevant compliance or governance policies.


  • #674603

    SharePoint is a collaboration software which helps you to simplify the data flow. SharePoint site can act as a single location for all your business websites. Building website using SharePoint is much easy compared to .NET because of the template we have in SharePoint. There are lot more benefits which you may refer from :

    Asheej T K

  • #675064
    Thank you very much

  • #678300
    You gentlemen really know your stuff...I am a techie newbie and I can really see that with such knowledgeable persons such as yourselves answering questions in the forums I am well placed to move from novice to pro in no time. Thank you gentlemen indeed.
    Richard Kawane.
    Protect your files and access them anywhere in the world.

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