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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Which is better fields as a freshers like .Net , Java, Iphone.

    Which is better fields as a freshers like .Net , Java, Iphone. i have completed BE in 2o11 and i have knowledge on .Net. i am very much interested to make a career in Iphone.
  • #672289
    If you are interested in mobile development then Iphone field will give such opportunities.You can develop those using .Net or Java.
    Alongwith iPhone there are Android , ipad applications which also have good market. iPhone specializes in the delivery of market intelligence, information and data products.Mobile marketing is currently a very effective which gives good long term business.

    Prachi Kulkarni.

  • #672651
    Hai DVendra,
    As you have mentioned that you have lot of interested in Mobile phone development and specially IPhone.
    So you can choose a good institute where they provides the IPhone development using .net as there are very few coaching institutes who are giving training on this latest technologies.
    So that you can learn it and use it for your future career in the next IPhone development.
    Hope it will give you some idea.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

  • #672760
    Hi dvendra.
    No field is bad. You can select any technology if you want to make your career in iPhone. As you have said that you have the knowledge of .Net so I will suggest you to enhance your knowledge and try to get practical knowledge as well which will help you to fulfill your goal.

    Best of Luck!



  • #673193
    No Field is bad first of all All depends on the opportunities u ll get in that particular field and may be initially u wont be able to get good work but never loose hope and also keep on learning new things and for sure you will never confined to only one fields u need to experience others also .so never pay attention to such fields rather on knowledge which u gain from that field
    Like i started my carrier with dotnet and i learnt so many things but now i wanna work in java and mobile applications also i wanna experience that also.

    As far as u r concerned u can use do mobile application development in dotnet also so Good luck !!!

  • #673351
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    Hello Sandy.

    Please stop copying other's content.
    You have copied my complete post and added some more points as your comment..
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  • #673572

    Thanks DNS administrators for looking into my concern and taking the right action against the people who copy other's content.



  • #675670

    I think if i am in your place first i will ask myself and then think what i am interested in so in what domain you have interest you can apply or start or carrier.


    Thanks & Regards
    Ravindra Gaurana

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