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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Which city is best for job search in .net technology Hyderabad,New Delhi,Banglore?

    Hello Sir;
    This is Shesh.I am MCA final year student and pursuing my last semester (project based Industrial training in .NET framework with sql server,visual studio).Sir I belong to kanpur amd doing MCA from SRMSCET Bareilly,GBTU-Lucknow and now I am in Kanpur and doing training from Kanpur.Sir I decided to go other city for job search.But I have no idea which city will be good enough to me.I have no reference and idea about the companies requirements and job providing procedures in these cities.Sir Kindly give me proper and helpful suggestions.
  • #669124
    Mostly all popular cities in India have IT jobs and my Point of view Bangalore, Chennai is have more number of Opportunity in IT jobs.

    Your Hard work never fails

  • #669266
    Pune , mumbai have good opportunities for IT people.

  • #669565
    sir I am a fresher.I am sending you my cv,then tell me in which city I should aaply


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  • #669687
    In my opinion, Pune is good for IT jobs. Why because competition is less compared to Banglore. Next Banglore is good for IT jobs.

  • #670033
    Hello Shesh.

    I have heard from many of my friends that Bangalore is the best place for freshers to start their career in IT and rest depends on the hard work and your dedication to achieve goal.



  • #670174

    Best City to search for the Job is Bangalore.

    Vijayalakshmi G M
    IT Professional Trainer

  • #672665
    Hai Shesh,
    Its between to go to the fresher job sites and then you can see that in which city there are most walk-ins, offline openings, off-campus selections and then you can decide that where you need to go for your job search.
    I would suggest to go through the job sites like Chetanas, laksmijobs, fresher world etc to search for the freshers requirements.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

  • #673195
    As far as dotnet is concerned i think north companies focus more on dotnet technlogy but southern cities on java .It might be some confusion but i heard about this .so please confirm with some senior before thinking further.

  • #673352
    Mostly all popular cities in India have IT jobs and my Point of view Bangalore, Chennai is have more number of Opportunity in IT jobs.
    It doesnt depend on places , it depends on ur hardwork and dedication

    Good luck

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