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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Compiler and Interpreter


    First of all i need to make one thing clear that, my question is not "The difference between compiler and interpreter", instead i need to know which language can be/should be compiled or interpreted.

    Is their any dependency in the language, that it should be compiled only or interpreted only?

    Thanks in Advance..
  • #663482

    Programming Languagess like C, C++, Java, and C# will be Compiled.

    Scripting Language like JavaScript and VBScript will be interpreted.

    Vijayalakshmi G M
    IT Professional Trainer

  • #668403
    languages like C#,Java,C,C++ are complied and they have their own compiler.

    VB script,java script and other scripting language have interpreter
    for example classic ASP use VB Script language it will be interpreted.

  • #668515
    I think Java & C# has compiler and interpreter both.
    we also know when we run a java or c# application , first time compile check those code then interpreter check the code and provide output.

    Languages which use Compiler : C & C++.
    Languages which use Interpreter: HTML
    Languages which use Compiler & Interpreter both : Java, C#, Ruby Rains

  • #672675
    Hai Abdul,
    The languages which are object based or object oriented are compiler based. It means for those languages, there should be the compiler which compile the whole code at a time.
    While the language like scripting languages or the languages where the individual instructions are not dependent to each other are interpreted languages.
    Hope it will make some sense to you.

    Pawan Awasthi(DNS MVM)
    +91 8123489140 (whatsApp), +60 14365 1476(Malaysia)

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