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  • Category: [Competition Entries]

    Please let me know the important question / answer.


    Please send me the SQL , DotNet , AJEX , JQUERY , PL/SQL interview question and answer for 2 to 3 experience level.

    Thank you.
  • #659936
    Some of the frequently asked Interview Questions in SQL Server are as follows:

    1) What is SQL Server?

    Microsoft SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RSBMS) produced by Microsoft. It's primary query language Transact-SQL, an implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL) used by both Microsoft and Sybase.

    2) What is the difference between VARCHAR and NVARCHAR.

    a) VarChar is a variable length string of ASCII characters, which take one Byte of space. Where as, NVarChar is a variable length string of UNICODE characters, which take two Bytes of space.
    b) The maximum size of VarChar columns is 8,000 characters. Where as, the maximum size of NVarChar columns is 4,000 characters.
    c) NVarChar requires 1 byte to represent a character. Where as, VarChar requires 2 bytes to represent a character.
    c) NVarChar supports wider range of characters than VarChar.

    3) How to query the database to get all the Table names?

    SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables where Table_type='BASE TABLE';


    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type='u';

    4) How to query the database to get all the Stored Procedure names?

    SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type='p';

    5) How to query all the column names of a table?

    SELECT * FROM syscolumns WHERE object_name('Tblzone';

    6) How to query all the column names, data types and length of a table?

    SELECT "Column Name", "Type", syscolumns.length "Length" FROM syscolumns, systypes WHERE object_name('TblStudent' AND systypes.usertype=syscolumns.usertype;


    SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name='TblSupportCall'

    7) How to select all the current databases in Sql Server?

    SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases




    EXEC sp_databases


    EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'SELECT ''?'' AS DatabaseName'


    EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'Print ''?'''

    8) Write and SQL query to retrieve the 2nd highest salary from the emp table.

    SELECT TOP 1 salary
    FROM (
    FROM employee
    ORDER BY salary DESC) a
    ORDER BY salary


    SELECT MIN(mark)
    FROM student
    WHERE mark IN(
    SELECT TOP 3 mark
    FROM student
    ORDER BY mark DESC)

    9) Write a query to get the name of the employee who is getting the highest salary from an employee table.

    SELECT EmpName FROM Emp
    WHERE Salary =(SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Emp)

    10) When do you get this error message "String or Binary data would be truncated"?

    This error message appears when you try to insert a string with more characters than the column can maximal accommodate.

    11) Which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run on?

    SQL Server runs on port 1433 but we can also change it for better security.

    12) What is SQL Inner Join?

    Inner Join is used to retrieve only matching data from two or more table.
    13) What is SQL Left Outer Join?

    It retrieves all the records from left most table (irrespective of the condition specified) and retrieves only matching records from the right most table and assigns NULL for unmatched fields.

    14) What is SQL Right Outer Join?

    It retrieves all the records from right most table (irrespective of the condition specified) and retrieves only matching records from the left most table and assigns NULL for unmatched fields. (Opposite to LEFT OUTER JOIN).

    15) What is SQL Full Outer Join?

    It retrieves records from both the table (irrespective of the condition) and for unmatched fields it assigns NULL.

    Thanks & Regards
    Paritosh Mohapatra
    Microsoft MVP (ASP.Net/IIS)
    DotNetSpider MVM

  • #659987
    See below questions:

    1. In what situation do you think you need to use HttpHandler?

    Ans. you can use it for generating siteMaps that you submit to search engines or for rendering images or tracking emails or RSS or ATOm feed.

    2. How authentication and authorzation works in
    Ans. Authentication means validating user against his credentials with data base.
    To valid user we give authority to see appropriate area of web thats nothing but an authorization.

    See below links:

    Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist
    MY Blog..

  • #673370
    Below questions have been asked in one of the interview that was faced recently .
    1-Boxing and unboxing
    2-Partial class,what are advantages
    3-Page directives
    4-Master page and nested master pages
    5-Sealed class
    6-Interface and Abstract class,diffence between them
    7-Impelemtation of Interface and abstract class in
    8-Closures in javascript
    9-How to run a server side function when browser is closed
    10-Page life cycle
    11-what is initializtion in page life cycle rendering Session state
    13-When themes is assigned in page life cycle
    14-Inproc and outproc session management
    15-Performance tuning
    16-What are client activated objects and server activated objects?
    17-Which template must you provide, in order to display data in a Repeater control?
    18-What method do you use to explicitly kill a user s session?
    19-How would you implement inheritance using VB.NET/C#?
    Different design pattern
    ACID properties
    Transaction in database
    Disdvantage of triggers
    Functional and Transational dependencies

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