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    Difference Between Exe and Dll

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    What is the difference between exe and dll.
  • #36935
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  • #36936
    exe file is a excutable file which runs in a seperate process which is managed by OS,where as a dll file is a dynamic link library which can be used in exe files and other dll files.In .net frame work both are assemblies.

  • #39119
    fullname of .exe is Extensible Execute File
    fullname of .dll is Dynamic Link Liberary
    .exe use by End User like-Client
    .Dll can not use by End User.
    We can Run the .exe
    but we can not Run the .Dll

  • #75276
    An ActiveX Dll runs is an in process server running in the same memory space as the client process.

    An ActiveX Exe is an out of process server which runs in it's own separate memory space.

    Question 2 is the same as question 1.

    Advantages of ActiveX Dll
    1) An in-process component shares its client's address space, so property and method calls don't have to be marshaled. This results in much faster performance.

    Disadvantages of ActiveX Dll
    1) If an unhandled error occurs it will cause the client process to stop operating.

    Advantages of ActiveX Exe
    1) The component can run as a standalone desktop application, like Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word, in addition to providing objects.
    2) The component can process requests on an independent thread of execution, notifying the client of task completion using events or asynchronous call-backs. This frees the client to respond to the user.
    3)If an error occurs the client processes can continue to operate.

    Disadvantages of ActiveX Exe
    1) Generally slower than an ActiveX dll alternative.

    Rahul Mehta (MCAD)
    Systime India

  • #95547
    An EXE can run independently, whereas DLL will run within an EXE. DLL is an in-process file and EXE is an out-process file

    Sandeep Kumar Yadav

  • #95548
    An EXE can run independently, whereas DLL will run within an EXE. DLL is an in-process file and EXE is an out-process file

    Sandeep Kumar Yadav

  • #137253
    .exe is an executable program
    .dll is a dynamic link library located at run time using PATH env variable

    exe runs on its own
    dll file is linked or referenced to the exe at run time.

  • #139680
    .exe is generally a background server that doesn't have any user interface (UI).

    .app is the visible application part with the UI (and can communicate with .exe programs using various IPC, Inter-Process Communications mechanisms).

    .dll is a Dynamic Link Library, which contain callable, shared code (that can be called from .exe or .app files).

  • #153540
    Exe: The memory reference to the variables are absolute

    DLL: The memory reference to the variables are relative

  • #266156
    DLL stands for dynamic-link library and is Microsoft's implementation of a shared library. This means that many different programs can use this library to do their tasks making it easier on the programmers so that they do not have to keep reinventing the wheel each time they write software. In simple terms a .DLL file will contain logic that other programs will use.

    EXE stands for executable and denotes that a program is executable. This just means that if you double click on the file a program will run, normally with some kind of interface for a user to interact with. The file formats for EXE and DLL actually the same.

  • #272025
    A file named "something.exe" (usually) contains a complete program (something that can be executed).

    A file named "something.dll" (usually) contains compiled versions of some functions that can be linked into a program. (dll stands for "dynamic linked library"). Some executable files contain all of the code needed to execute a program. Some executable files contain only code specific to that program and must be "linked" to one or more dll files to have access to some library functions when the program is executed. The "linking" is (sometimes? usually?) taken care of automatically when you compile your program. There may be compiler/linker options to specify whether you want "static" linking or "dynamic" linking

    Thanks & Regards
    Nothing is mine ,Everything is yours!!!

  • #285099
    1.Its a executable file
    2.There is only single main entry
    3.When a system launches new exe, a new process is created
    4.The entry thread is called in context of main thread of that process.

    1.Its a Dynamic Link Library
    2.There are many entry points.
    3.The system loads a DLL into the context of an existing thread

    For More Details..

    Sridhar R
    Nothing is illegal, Until You Get Caught

  • #301960
    The following are the main differences between dll and exe files


    1. It can be reused.
    2. It can be versioned.
    3. It is not self executable
    4. It doesn't have main function

    1. It cannot be reused
    2. It cannot be versioned.
    3. It is self executable.
    4. It will have main

    another main difference is dll cannot be run individully but exe files can run individully

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