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  • Category: BizTalk

    Discuss: Paid To Click (PTC)Sites are!

    This thread is to discuss the opinion poll topic 'Paid To Click (PTC)Sites are!'.
    the advertiser pays for displaying ads on the PTC website, and a part of this payment goes to the viewer when he views the advertisement.
    so if the viewer has no work then only he should do this kind of activity because the amount get by this is very less so it is better to do other work
  • #576214
    Hi jigar,

    Do not copy others try to create new and powerful Polls....


    Muhammad Farooq
    (DNS Mentor)
    Visit My

  • #583827
    I am extremely new to this site, as I joined yesterday. I now have an Adsense account and have posted a couple of blogs on other sites and looking into this site. Do you believe/know this to be a profitable venture?


    Tim Wiebe
    My first Blog...

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